2025 Best Law Firms

Best Law Firms Ranked by Best Lawyers

Boyes, Farina & Matwiczyk was recently featured in the 2025 Best Law Firms Magazine.

Since 2010 Best Law Firms Magazine Recognizes the leading law firms across the U.S. through a data-driven ranking process.

Testamentary Capacity

Estate Planning

The definition of testamentary capacity or sound mind means that the testator has the ability to understand…

Corporate Transparency Act


The Corporate Transparency Act was enacted by Congress in 2021 to curb illicit finance activities including tax fraud, money laundering, and financing for terrorism, by non-transparent entities.

What is a Charitable Remainder Trust?

Estate tax and related planning

A charitable remainder trust is an irrevocable trust that allows the settlor/taxpayer to donate property, cash, securities, or other assets to charity and still receive an income stream for life.

Connelly v. United States – Effect on Your Estate Planning

Estate Planning

In its recent Opinion in Connelly v. United States, 144 S.Ct. 1406 (June 6, 2024) the U.S. Supreme Court held that a corporation’s contractual obligation to use life insurance proceeds to redeem a deceased shareholder’s shares was not a liability

Are There Limits to a Trustee’s Absolute Discretion?

What is an irrevocable trust

Even though the settlor of a trust may provide that the trustee has “absolute discretion,” or “sole and unfettered discretion,” the trustee must still act reasonably and may be liable to the beneficiaries if he abuses his discretion.